About Jackie
About Jackie Beuzieron

One word that anyone who knows Jackie would use to describe her is heart. My Mom is the most wholehearted human being I have ever known. From every gift she ever gave me to every piece of advice she instilled in me, it was clear where her heart was at. This word heart, perfectly encapsulates her business as well. From its very conception my Mom used heart to build something that would turn into something amazing. What she built put my brothers and I in the colleges' of our dreams and gave me every opportunity I could ever imagine.
Most of you know my Mom as that big personality woman who convinced you to buy that shirt you wear all the time a couple of years ago. Or that lady who used to sell her sweats at Nordstrom's (believe me I have dropped that line so many times I practically say it in my sleep) but she is so much more than that. When shopping with my Mom what you are really getting is heart. You can bet that every piece of clothing that you see was hand selected for her clientele. I have seen first hand her placing buttons on shirts in the kitchen, and I have accompanied her on her buying trips where she contemplates every piece fitting into the scheme of her collection. It’s all from her heart. I hope that when you look through this website or when you see her at a show that you see the heart in it. Know that when you are shopping with her that you are getting products that come from the love and heart of who she is.
So go on, buy that dress you are eyeing, and every time you wear it think of Jacqueline B Clothing and how you can put your heart into something that's special to you.